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Please note that the CorvusPay service can only be contracted by business users (registered companies, trades, associations, family farms) and cannot be contracted by individuals.

    Personal data

    Company info

    What industry does your company belong to?

    What is your role in the company?

    Which type of integration are you interested in?

    Choose the platform on which you develop your web shop

    Briefly describe your need for a payment solution (and feel free to provide more information about the business model)

    I agree that Corvus Pay d.o.o. may store my email address for the purpose of sending promotional and educational content newsletters. Corvus Pay will continue to send you notifications about special offers and informative articles related to the world of finance. Your email address is stored in the Corvus Pay system and will also be forwarded to the Mailchimp service that we use for sending newsletters. We will keep your email address until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. You can unsubscribe from receiving our newsletter at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe icon in each individual newsletter edition. By withdrawing your consent, you will no longer receive our newsletters, but you can still use our website and other services. Contact for withdrawing consent and terminating membership:

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