LinkedIn has transformed into more than just a platform for summarizing business accomplishments and job hunting. It now serves as a space for networking, idea-sharing, demonstrating expertise, and, importantly, storytelling. For e-commerce businesses, it can be an effective tool for brand building and fostering long-term customer relationships. But how can you communicate on LinkedIn in a way that makes your message authentic, engaging, and noticeable? I’d like to share some ideas on this topic with you.
1. Show Your Passion and Expertise.
Share a story about what interests and drives you, and what empowers you in your business. Give your audience insight into who you are and what you do, but don’t hesitate to spice up your content. Always ask yourself: “Is this thought-provoking? Does it encourage reflection and discussion?” Remember, what kind of story is it if it doesn’t include a bit of humor, an unexpected twist, or a deep question?
For example, if you run an e-commerce brand that sells sustainable products, don’t just write about the technical specifications of your products. Instead, tell the story of how your mission is changing the world, why sustainability matters, and how your customers contribute to that change. Draw them into the narrative so they feel like a part of it. This approach could especially resonate with members of Generation Z, who are leading a revolution in shopping behaviors.
2. Who Are You Addressing?
One of the key aspects of communication is knowing who you want to reach. Who is your target audience, and what are their interests? It’s essential to understand that your customers are not just buying a product or service. Much like in a fine dining restaurant—it’s not just about the food; it’s about the ambiance, the atmosphere, and the story that accompanies every bite.
When communicating on LinkedIn, consider what your audience wants to hear, rather than solely focusing on what you want to say. If you concentrate on selling your products, you miss the opportunity to showcase your authenticity, values, and vision. Remember, you are selling an experience, a feeling, and benefits that go beyond the purchase itself.
3. Storytelling is Key
Allow your followers, whether they are existing or potential customers, to feel the emotion and connect with your story. Just like in any good movie, your post should have a main character, challenges, action, and a resolution. Introduce the reader to the theme, present a problem, demonstrate how you solved it, and provide a lesson at the end.
If you have more to share, LinkedIn offers the option to post an article. There, you can express longer, deeper thoughts and expertise, but be sure to maintain structure and engagement even in this format.
If your webshop sells clothing, don’t just write about the materials and cuts. Tell the story of the designers who worked on the collection, the inspiration behind the colors and patterns, or how a particular outfit helped a customer feel powerful and confident.
4. “Stand Out” Instead of “Blend In”
If you write what everyone else is writing, you’ll get lost in the crowd. Let your communication be unique, authentic, and infused with your own values. People enjoy recognizing the individual, attitudes, and values behind a brand. Be yourself, as the audience prefers real people over faceless advertisements.
Boldly express your opinion. Share your views on industry challenges, new trends, or personal experiences. Don’t hesitate to say something that might be controversial, as long as it aligns with your values.
5. Organic Reach Requires Patience
One of the biggest misconceptions is that organic reach will come quickly and easily. On LinkedIn, organic growth is a gradual process, but it yields long-term results. Consistency is key. You don’t have to post every day, but when you do, make sure it’s quality content that aligns with your customers’ interests.
Be present, respond to comments, connect with the community, and regularly share content that demonstrates your expertise and passion for your work.
6. Juggling Between Company Page and Personal Profile
Don’t forget that your personal profile is just as important as your company page. Your personal profile acts as your digital spokesperson, a place where you can be direct and showcase your expertise. The company page, on the other hand, serves as the business’s identity card—displaying products, projects, and achievements.
It’s wise to juggle between these two profiles, using them together to build trust and recognition. On your personal profile, you can cultivate a personal network of contacts, while on your company page, you can share broader corporate stories and achievements.
Conclusion: Be Authentic, Be Yourself
The key to success is authenticity. Show who you are, why you do what you do, and why your story matters. When you are honest and consistent in your communication, your followers will recognize and hear you. In a sea of similar voices, a voice that stands out will always find its way to those it’s meant for.
Thank you for reading. I wish you a lovely day,